
团队培训机构 当前位置: 赢博体育 >> 联盟介绍 >> 组织机构


organizational structure


Article 1: General Meeting of Members



1.1  The alliance shall set up members assembly, at least once every 2-3 years.


1.2  组员大时会由全体师生组员形成,每次组员公司应大约任意五位是到场。

1.2 The General Meeting of Members shall consist of all members and each member unit shall appoint at least one representative to att🙈end.



Article 2: General Meeting of Members



2.1  The alliance has a Standing Council, which is the de💛cision-making body, with a five-year term of office and a mechanism for co-option and withdrawal.


2.2副理事长会会应积极主动助推“丝体联”团员间的亲善战略合作,企业赢博体育 交谈营销活动。

2.2 Standing council shall actively promote friendly cooperation among members and oౠrganize relevant 🅘exchange activities.



2.3 Standing council shall be responsible fo🦄r formulating and amend🥃ing the constitution of association through consultation.



2.4 Standing coun𒊎cil advis💝es and coordinates the work of the secretariat.


2.5 名誉会长会会不少常年成功进行第一次,轮番由各理事会会公司成功进行。

2.5 The standing council will be held at least once a year,𝔍 on a rotat꧙ing basis by each council member.


2.6 第一届副理事长长会由为“丝体联”构建发挥反应根本反应的会员部门组合。

2.6 First standing council shall be composed of alliance member that play an important role💃 in the creation😼 of the alliance.



Article 3: President unit of Alliance and the vice-president unit of Alliance



3.1 The alliance shall have a president unit and several vice-president units.


3.2  执行主席长、副执行主席长方由常务执行主席会推见,达到2/3的名誉会长长会会员利用后有。

3.2 The president unit and vice-president unit of the board are recommended by the council members ꦡand are elected by more than 2/3 of the standing council members.



Article 4: Secretariat



4.1  The alliance will set up a secretariat, which would be꧟ responsible for the daily service ✃and liaison work of the alliance.



4.2 The Secretariat of the ꦕalliance is located at the Xi'an Physical Education 🥃university,which is responsible for financing and its running costs.



Article 5:Special observers


5.1为助推“丝体联”成长 ,可特聘包括高尚社会各界名声,而且为中等职业体育用品文化教育国际性进行合作ไ作成杰出人物贡献奖的專家、历史学家、教练员员、中长跑员是“丝体联”相当关注员。

5.1 Experts, scholars, coaches⛄ and athletes of high social standing who have made outstanding contributions to international cooperation in higher physical education may be recruited as special observers for the development of the alliance.



5.2 Special observ🌌ers are invited by the alliance to attend meetings of the Union, but do not have the right to vote.

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