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赢博体育 注册“丝织旅程运动育儿教育聯盟”的框架的合同协议

Framework Agreement on Establishing a

“Silk Road Physical Education Alliance”



Xi’an, China

Sept. 21, 2019

赢博体育 公司设立“丝绸面料方向体育乒乓球育儿教育盟”的倡议书范文

Proposal on Establishing a “Silk Road Physical Education Alliance”


2019 marks the sixth anniversary of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In 2013 when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan, he proposed jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt; in that October, he appealed to jointly establish the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road during his state visit in Indonesia. Since then, the Beღlt and Road Initiative has started to be known by the world, and echoed by the international community, thus becoming an important practice platform to promote the establishment of a community of shared future for mankind.

看做古丝绸服装之途的终点,赢博体育 所以在的地方——数载的东莞长安,曾是河南联通全国与世间商贸公司、学历联席会信息的重镇。在以前的一千五5年里,为推向🉐学历联席会信息、共通共进、要融💟合发展壮大制作了个人的奋力。当今,如今八路八路的深入基层推进,新绸缎之途散发出勃勃生命,此地又一次成为了的世界观注的大家都讨论。

As a stꩵarting point of the Ancient Silk Road, Xi’an (also known as Chang’an in ancient times), where our school is sitting in, was crucial to connect China to the world in trade, commerce and ꦡculture exchanges, and has done its part in promoting cultural exchanges, interconnection and coordinated development over the past 2000 years. Today, with the further promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative, this new “Silk Road” has once again become the focus of the world attentions.  


Civilization becomes splendid by exchanges, and enriches by mutual appreciation. Amid the globalization, sports as an important cultural content has displayed its unique edges and value🍨s in people-to-people exchanges and interconnection. It is an inevitable trend to develop sports by cooperation and integration throughout the world.  

我县,前来公司缴纳赢博体育 主办人的三区节节高升中西方文化体育乒乓球大专院校校领导高点论坛社区的高校和组织机构,都等国家一路路运动行业基本权利很广导致,并和赢博体育 具有融洽的真情和不小的媒体合作未来发展环境。由前中期与社会各界的合理竞谈,赢博体育 一样认定,运动人员的培養是运动教育学校及各种相关贷款机构的其本质职能部门和更本使命6。

The Summit Forum for Presidents from Chinese and Foreign Physical Education Universities under the Belt and Roadও Initiative, held by our university, has offered a great cooperative opportunity for the invited universities and institutions which have a great influence in sports, and a profound friendship with us. With friendly negotiation with parties, we agree that the cultivation of sports talents is the responsibility and mission of physical education and relevant institutions.

为此,将在里,赢博体育 提出建议共同参与成立公司丝织之途体育类学前教育联盟游戏(下列英文缩写联盟名字

Therefore, we propose to🍸 cofound a “Silk Road Physical Education Alliance” (hereinafter referಌred to as the “Alliance”).



The Alliance is a non-profit, unincorpor💛ated coalition voluntarily formed by releva꧟nt physical educational institutions and organizations.

二、 最终目的


Adhering to the concept of interconnection, openness and inclusiveness, collaborative innovation and win-win cooperation, the Alliance looks to build a community for the Silk Road physical education, and promote the launch of relevant progra𒈔ms and activities in areas of interschool exchanges, talent cultivation, scientific research, training competition and cultural communication among the countries, regional universities and relevant institutions along the Belt and Road, based on forefront issues in sports and education, in order to strengthen the mutual understanding and friendship among peoples.  

三、 文章(动议)
Content (proposal)


1. The preparatory group for the Board of Directors of the Alliance, built 🍸based on the institution in the country (region) initiating this proposal, is responsible for the preliminary design of the resꩵponsibilities and obligations of the Alliance.


2. The preparation period for 👍the Alliance is one year. Then a meeting celebrating its establishment sh꧅all be held at the right time.


3. Members of the Board consist of the p📖residents of the universities that have joined the Alliance. And the rotating director-general shall be appointed by the board m🗹eeting through negotiation, generally with tenure of one year.


4. Taking the Belt and Road Initiative as an opportunity, the related academic and cult♌ural exchanges forum shall be held on a regular basis. This forum is deemed as the first one, and shall be held once a year by universities or sports institutions that are the members of the Alliance.


5. We agree to build a much closer co෴operation relationship, and explore a new interna🐓tional talent training mechanism, to cultivate quality talents who have broad global vision and are urgently needed for the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.


6. We agree to build up a cooperative platform for sharing educational information and academic resources, and enhance the cooperation and exchanges between scientific research institutes and between researchers in the universities of the Alliance. We shall jointly declare international scientific collaborative projects, deve🐼lop scientific research and build new innovation institution.


7. We a🗹gree to enhance the teaching cooperation between universities and institutions in the countries joining the Alliance, and develop exchange programs for students, teachers and researchers.


8. We agree to set up schools overseas by multilateral and bilateral cooperation, construct a new mode on talent training, operating management and local🔴 services, to make sure that the joint schools can be rooted in the foreign countries.


9. We agree to build up an exchange system for competitions and cultural activities on sports by various resource edges among the members in the Allia꧃nce, to increase exchanges and improveꦆ the physical education level.


We hope the Alliance can enhance the exchanges and cooperation in sports, and promote the mutual understanding and development, and can build a bridge of mutual communication among different sports cultures, to push up the internationalization of sports discipline construction and talent and faculty cultivation. We shall give full play to the leading roles of the higher physical education institutions in the establishment of a new regional innovati💮ve system, thus making contributions to the cultural, economic and social development of the countries along the Belt and Road.

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